24 on Thursday morning I went to check the inventory to the factory. Later bro let me on the subway to go where the psychologist in Providence, who found me well and said if it were not for the thesis would give me high ^ ^. Then I walked to get my cell but were delayed as much I went to do a test with the nose to the medical center, but as I had lost the agenda I could do it, instead I asked an hour and wait ENT I attended, who told me that I could operate in the nose andp; eacute n salmóny brought other pieces of raw white fish.
Sunday lunch 27 before I went to walk to leave the dog for a friend with my dogs, there was friend to me and the way his chinchilla could take, was too happy (they're like elves ^ ^) I also I take a picture. Then turn to take a blood sample bassinet by hypothyroidism, for which they had to reassure him. Then go home for lunch and went out with the dogs. Here we again see a wild rabbit in the same place.
Monday 28 (holiday) in the "morning" (or rather just after I woke up, that is, comor 1 and a half xD) came Broy koi on one side and mom and dad while the other south. In the afternoon (when everyone saw the match Brazil Chile so the streets were empty and silent) remove the dogs and went back to see a rabbit in the same place. Tuesday 29
after work to go to find Martin with Dad. Thursday July 1 in the morning I spent some time at the factory and then went with potatoes looking for the Lexus (which he put Ale) to the clinic where he bought a collar and leash, and the plots wethe. On the way we went to buy food and dishes for her and the other dog that lives in the plot .....
Then we went to the architect for lunch (I Provencal potatoes with pork ribs banana and orange juice) to the nearest town and returned to the plot, we let the architect father and mother and went to an American clothing store where we meetpremium masters living in the countryside and some friends of her and I bought two fates, one tops, then we went to cousin who lives in the countryside where I went for a walk with the dogs , joined along the way and saw two fox terrier with a small dairy calves is the owner of the ranch where is the plot of raw and I did send my survey, then returned to breast to the plot to look for dad and we went home. To get my dad to go talking about is way long and we had to cross the San Cristobal hill in the tunnel where we caught a taco.
On Friday 2 in the ma & amp; about girls, ana we did a tasting of the tree that we are preparing the food engineer advises us and his friend chef.
3 in the Saturday morning I devoted to animals and take care to walk the dogs, we went to friend's house where they take back to the chinchilla, then take a take your cat and dogs to play the square, after I came home for lunch and slept all afternoon. C hen apo woke potatoes and had gone to Dad's bro.
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