In the plot vaccinate and deworm the dog's caretaker. Then we went to lunch at the nearest town is 14 kilometers away where sea bass ceviche ate exquisite input, potatoes called oysters and I liked both the purple shells take me a souvenir .....
Thursday 22 in the morning I went to the psychologist, then go to lunch at the pizza hut and went to otrorrino.
23 on Friday night came a premium of U.S. breast, herson, daughter and grandchildren who live here and we joined the family Tada. Sunday, 25 went with potatoes and apo to the plot ........
based After a pint (bitch caregiver who had had an abortion and was bleeding from the vagina) with a pacifor and taken to Santiago to sterilize it in the way we go to lunch at a restaurant where they ate pork and fries.
Monday 26 in the morning we left home at 7:19, we goa factory and then went to leave the painting to the clinic. Later we went to search for and taken to a clinic close to home where leave to make him hospitalized for treatment. Tuesday, 27 back home stop by the clinic to see the painting.
On Wednesday 28 in the morning I went to the factory for a while and from there I went with Dad to the plot and surveys take advantage of my thesis to hand in the way we go to a dairy but they said it again ; branches later .....
After Dad went to the nearest town is 14 kilometers away where we met with the architect in a restaurant and ate ribs pork with rice. Then we went to leave him primaqueviveenelcampo 6 polls to go around, after the way we let two surveys at two dairies and then we Fumos home. I get off at the clinic where I was told that the painting had TVT and should make chemotherapypia with vincristine. Take home to walk the dogs and go to the clinic where the doctor and talk to amigoquevivecerca call to get me the remedy, then go home but no one was amigoquevivecerca.
vómitosy On Thursday I woke up with fever so I stayed home all day sleeping and did not eat almost nothing but a piece of cake and two of pizza. In the morning I climbed nana a rabbit .....
later sent to the nanny let's remedy the paint that I had brought the amigoquevivecerca the night before the clinic in that they had discovered two more bunnies in the cage and it started raining, when it was nana told me the bring ....... CHTM
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