Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sata Power Radio Shack

On Wednesday 14 April in the evening I sent a rabbit in the bed of potatoes and we took photos ......

Thursday April 15 in the morning I went to the factory and then I I went with Dad to providence, I happened to leave the psychologist and he went to the dentist to pull out a tooth. Finished with a psychologist to summarize the thesis, then I took a walk to Pedro de Valdivia (about 1 mile) where I met with Dad on one of sándwic restoranhes and ate an avocado sandwich with cheese and turkey meat. Then we went to the factory. In the evening I returned to drop a doe in the bed of potatoes and turned to take pictures ......

On Friday 16 does not remember what I did besides working in the factory. In the evening I take some pictures of a baby rabbit and a guinea pig .....

CHTMLIn the morning we installed the High Definition and in the afternoon I saw a documentary of spectacular animals that system looked great (I can also program the TV for the record if not this). In the afternoon separating baby guinea pigs for his mother and take my part.

24 on Saturday morning I went out to walk with dogs on the way Dad and I reached we pick to Anastasia (bitch friend). In the afternoon Dad came out with some friends to the site. At night I invite you to eat barbecue. Dad got mad because I disappeared and went to bed in the middle of dinner.

Sunday 25 in the morning remove the dogs. In ther food, but then I was sorry to leave it, since it is the first time that I lose touch with some of the animals to sell or gift.

On Thursday morning we leave it to mom and my bro on the subway, I get off before bro and combine with line 5 and wearing a guinea pig to sell to a man I had bought from Ebay, but expect long pause because there had been an accident on the subway and was full of people, then the destination station is also expected to play I got the L , or, after it happens and explain the care I walked to the factory. 30 noon on Friday I went for one of the workers where I lived the Lexus and I said I had a surprise and I took the workshop, there were a pitbull dog identical to the Lexus only much younger and a bit larger than the owner had been found on a trip to the south. Work after Labor Day we celebrate by eating pies and beverage employees. On Saturday 1 in the morning potatoes were to leave apo to his sister's house in this bro came and koi who woke me to open them, then got potatoes and everyone went to the plot and then home to the pa


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