Someday I will dedicate myself to make myself study in Frenzy tests and analyze the evolution of each and every one of my facets. Since the "100% optimistic" to start studying the agenda, along with the taciturn daily study each day until two days before reaching an awful stage nerves always manifested in this stomach (nausea, loss of appetite, stomach pain), according to widespread panic, then move before the test day in which everything is giggling idiots, handing the swivel chair and throwing the notes ats airs (true story). The bad
sleeping over and as he wakes up in "gallineril hours (5 in the morning) to continue to review (total, pa tossing and turning in bed) and after the stage fright day before, it's "shower time" and be very beautiful and pretty mu "I feel pretty" (hoygan predisposition is very important to her mind), breakfast, some because they I get nothing (yes, in full screen I'll die of shame because I will sound in stereo guts) to take my things and go I'm walkin on sunshine singing and such .. ..
and good. But there are those who struggle all their lives: these are indispensable.
Bertolt Brecht.
I've been meditating on that date to (because there are many phrases that, for a thousand reasons, I have stuck in my life). But ultimately it is the more I have come to mind. (have not read anything about this man btw. Actually I know this quote because it mentions the singer Silvio Rodríguez (* YAY *) before one of his songs (and I have to clarify that although I love many songs of this man. That in particular, already small, it gives me a panic quite large.)
And finally, I guess that by now many know as this weekend was Imperialist
KDD (aka,
heiko_g ,
lobazul went together to see the great match Madrid-Espanyol) that I was not by * pointing up obvious reasons ... no! the appointment is not, man, above ... no! The header also ... bah, let * (good, and for what I paint in a game of Madrid when I am clearly NOT the Madrid? uhmm ... at this point I wonder if someone engañoa ). Anyway, they stayed home servant dying of envy watching on TV like every time the farmer and Xabi (M) Alonso will be shipped with less shame (and we believe CANON BITCHEZ!) And releasing the pipe by air to see this celebration of "I grab the neck and not let you, númerillo 24" (after a nice moment junticos alinación ... uhm .... what does I remember that? uhm ... what I do not know. WE ARE CANON!) and throwing terribly leastLAVIN FELICIDAEH Compae! XD
(yes, you do for your birthday fic, silent, silly. Yes .. I know I still have the second part of the Torres picspam pressure ", which ; is beautiful?) PS: Speaking of that! (Talk about what? Bah, I understand) MY TULIPS beginning show the ringleader! OH I'M SO HAPPY! Began to doubt they were even germinate *____*. Pity that the weather prevented me out to the terrace to say nice things to grow happy and strong.
PPD: Dear Esteban Granero (two points) DEJA.DE.HACER.ESO !!!!! SERIOUSLY! STOP BEING SO EDIBLE AND BE SO ADORABLE IN EVERY AUCTION JODI interview. SO WHY CAN NOT I eh? ASÍ.NO.PUEDO! IS THAT TO ME WELL YOU PLAY FOOTBALL! AND MAKE ME HAPPY WITH ALONSO !!!!!! SHIPPEANDOTE "IS THAT YOU CAN NOT STOP BEING PERFECT FOR A SECOND SO YOU CAN LIVE, DO NOT KNOW, ONE LIFE * * without melting ENTERICA NORMAL FOR YOU?? A little consideration, PIRATE! Hale, yes, go for a coffee / Liarte with Xabi / mark a headed goal / Liarte with Xabi / play guitar. Thank you, thank you very much.
* kisses be spreading and pulling notes *
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